Howdy there Fellow Warriors! Been awhile, but this is Lord Byron climbing back into the saddle for the Weekend Warriors Blog! Today I'd like to share a recently completed Demon Prince that I did for a friend. So, without further ado, let's get to it!
I started by putting all the major pieces together, this was the body, legs, tail and arms.
The wings were mounted onto one of my pill bottle paint stands.
From there I airbrushed the entire model with a basecoat of cavalry leather from vallejo. I then shaded everything in with Carrobug Crimson from Citadel. After that we came in with Mephiston Red, Wazdakka Red and Scarlet Crimson from Citadel. The metal is simply Leadbelcher applied to his wrist bands.
I started the bone ridges and spikes with Baneblade Brown. From here I worked up the colors through Karak Stone, Ushabti Bone and then Screaming Skull. I toned down with Agrax Earthshade and then went back up to screaming skull on the tips.
After the bone work was done, I finished highlighting up the Red of the skin, and then added my gold onto the armbands and weapon. This was brought down with Reikland Fleshshade and then highlighted with Bronze Hashut. The Loincloth is simply Abaddon Black, with Administratum Grey highlights.Here's the finished model! Feel free to comment with questions!