Friday, February 14, 2014

My Turn! My Turn! (ToMB post, Month 0)

Hello Folks!

WenchWoman here. I thought it was about time I gave this whole blogging thing a go. Plus, I was given a reason to start blogging about my latest obsession: Malifaux.

I recently found out about this thing on the Wyrd forums (Wyrd Miniatures is the company that makes Malifaux): it's called Tales of a Malifaux Blogger. The idea is that you take a Master you haven't used yet and start building/painting/playing said master.

This is Month 0, which mean I get to talk about who I chose, why, and what I expect to see with them.

I chose to start my Neverborn collection with Lilith's crew starter box. The starter box runs for $40 and comes with Lilith, her henchman Barbarous, her totem Cherub, and three Terror Tots.

Probably the biggest reason I chose to do Lilith is the backstory that goes with her. The Neverborn are the natives of the world of Malifaux who are largely trying to preserve their way of life from the invading human population. They are also trying to continue waging battles to protect their world from other evils while keeping the humans at bay.

Lilith is the ruler of the Neverborn and is directly connected to the nature of Malifaux. In other games, I have typically been drawn to factions that are more nature driven (hippy-esque if you will): Wood Elves for Warhammer Fantasy, Circle Orboros for Hordes, and my first crew for Malifaux was Marcus.

I have played against Lilith when I was first getting started in the game. From that experience and looking at her crew's stat cards, I think I have a general idea of how she works.

Lilith does not have to worry about severe or hazardous terrain types, which means she can move full speed through forests and such. She also has an upgrade that allows her to create forests. Her whole crew has Black Blood, which means that they give damage out when they receive damage. At this point they seem to be a largely melee geared crew and I think I will have to be careful going against a range crew, although they do have pretty decent defense and willpower stats, along with speed on their side.

I am looking forward to building these models and getting a few games under my belt with them. I'll let you know next month how that goes and hopefully I'll have some pics of pretty models to share as well.

Until then, this is WenchWoman signing off

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